Like every website on the Internet, this site also uses cookies because pretty much no web experience created after 1996 would work without them. If you don’t want cookies, block them in your browser or don’t visit my site, it’s not that great anyway.
This is not a commercial site, I don’t sell anything, you probably wouldn’t buy it if I did. If I am ever paid for a product I endorse, I will disclose it.
The site does use Google Analytics, because I like to see if I can break my record of 7 visitors per month, and it is helpful to know what is interesting to people (so far, nothing). The only potentially personally identifiable information (“PII”) I collect is from someone posting a comment, or occasionally from non-public forms I use following speaking engagements, and I don’t share any of it with any third party, including Google. Really, I just like to look at the pretty graphs.
If it isn’t clear by now, this is a personal website of no importance, and if you’re even bothering to read the legal and privacy notices for my blog, the Internet may not be the best place for you. Newspapers are charming, consider them as an option.
Since September 2019 I’ve worked for Google. Opinions and everything else on this site are mine and do not represent my employer in any way.
If you’re in the State of California, I’ll offer the Proposition 65 warning that is displayed in pretty much every single establishment – this website may contain chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Since these are posted in every business as a CYA precaution, when you actually are drinking ground water from a Superfund site, you ignore the warning assuming it’s like the 99.999% of the same Prop 65 warnings you see in preschools. And just like that, we’re back to the “this site uses cookies” disclaimer.