My Favorite Recent Inventions

In the spirit of enjoying a lovely holiday by keeping the conversation topics away from politics, and focusing on humor and technological advancement (or, more specifically, technological advancement humor), I thought I would share some of my favorite recent inventions, and include commentary from random people in the Twittersphere.

Sheet Muffins

The innovation team at Slate discovered a sweetened bread that replaces the need for individually held muffins…

Innovations in Co-Living

Millennials invented a way to have other people leave dirty dishes in the sink and drink all but the last 1/10th of an ounce of milk in the fridge…

Underground Group Transport

Elon Musk, the Thomas Edison of our age, found a way to have subterranean vessels pick up and drop off people at regular intervals…

Street Group Transport

Not to be outdone by Elon, Uber came up with a similar concept where the transportation uses roadways to pick up and drop off people at predefined locations…

Dedicated Short Term Visit Buildings

Airbnb continues to innovate by solving the problem of not having large, multi-unit buildings that are dedicated to short-term visits…

Automated Product Dispenser

And finally, solving both the problem of human interaction and the inability to purchase goods, a startup developed a way to pay for and receive products from a mechanical device…

An Amazing Time to be Alive…

Technology has truly taken us to places that could only have been imagined 30 years ago. Embrace these advancements and marvel at how they change the world before our eyes.


Are you aware of other incredible innovations that are changing our lives? Please leave a comment!