In August I presented The Challenges of Executing Lean Startup at Scale, generously hosted by in Toronto, Canada. Rangle is the premier digital transformation consultancy, founded on Lean Startup principles and achieving impressive growth – a really great success story. I spent some time with Nick Van Weerdenburg, Rangle’s CEO, discussing Digital Transformation.
Some of the topics covered in the conversation include:
- Solving customer problems is more important than rigorously following a process
- The challenges of being on an agile team while working with or being part of a non-agile organization
- Successful agile transformation requiring a culture change before a toolset change… most organizations get this backwards
- How to choose metrics that are meaningful to your business
I hope you enjoy the video:
If you watch the video I would love your feedback! Please leave a comment below telling me what you think I got it right and what you think sounds crazy.